Windows 10 Release Date Outed by AMD



Reference Point

This post will serve as a quick reference for Windows 10 versions, their release and End-of-Life (EOL) dates, and Microsoft's schedule for future releases.

Windows 10 version history

It was released in July 2015. Original Release · Version 22H2 · Version 21H2 · Version 1809

Windows 10 版本資訊

3 天前 · 本文內容 Windows 10 的最終版本是版本22H2,將於2025 年10 月14 日終止服務。 Windows 10 版本的功能更新會每年在日曆年度的下半年透過正式版本通道發行 ...

Windows 10 - release information

3 天前 · The final version of Windows 10 is version 22H2, which will reach end of servicing on October 14, 2025.

Windows 10 version history - Microsoft Wiki

The final release was made available to Windows Insiders on April 16, 2018, followed by a public release on April 30, and began to roll out on May 8. Version ...

Microsoft Windows 10 Will Release July 29

Microsoft will launch Windows 10 on July 29th. The technology giant had previously promised to release the next version of its computer ...

Microsoft announces Windows 10 release date

Microsoft Corp. says Windows 10 will be available in 190 countries as a free upgrade on July 29 for anyone currently running Windows 8.1 or 7, ...

Windows 10: Release Date, Editions, Features, and More

Windows 10 was first released as a preview on October 1, 2014, and the final version was released to the public on July 29, 2015. Windows 10 ...

Windows 10 release date finally announced

Windows 10 will be released on 29 July 2015.


ThispostwillserveasaquickreferenceforWindows10versions,theirreleaseandEnd-of-Life(EOL)dates,andMicrosoft'sscheduleforfuturereleases.,ItwasreleasedinJuly2015.OriginalRelease·Version22H2·Version21H2·Version1809,3天前·本文內容Windows10的最終版本是版本22H2,將於2025年10月14日終止服務。Windows10版本的功能更新會每年在日曆年度的下半年透過正式版本通道發行 ...,3天前·ThefinalversionofWindows10isversion2...